
Brand experts in Africa to launch ABA

African Brand professionals are about to change the way business is presented to Africans, protect the creativity born on this continent and pave the way forward to make the builders of the African brand stand out in the world.  

African Branding association is a body of brand specialist from diverse fields coming together to form an associate body. The associate body would promote brand experts from all over Africa to the world, creating a fellowship that would recognize outstanding contributions of brand specialists from various fields and their contribution to the African brand.

The association would also help African brand specialists and professionals leverage on international associations and projects in Africa, through partnership with African governments and the promotion of African brand projects handled by African brand professionals.

There is no better time for Africans to be proud of what is creative and protect it, so that we can celebrate it at home and abroad in a prestigious and honorable way. I am excited about ABA and believe, it is time to be relevant to the world.

– Abril asim Eliot grade, Egypt

The association would form standards and procedures that would help to guide the business ethics of professionals and assist promote associate business on an international forum. This would in-turn help members to gain access to both local and international projects and foster African growth.

The names of the first set of associates and members, would be submitted at the first interim date that would be decided by the board (admins). These would be the founding members and administrators of the association in Africa to the world.

The members would be strictly Africans, and the first members to activate the community are invited from South Africa, Nigeria, Egypt, Kenya, Botswana, Rwanda, and Uganda. The membership portal would afterwards be opened to all African countries to take part in the forum of associates.

www.africanbrandassociates.com would soon be the online home of the African Branding association.

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