
Business Risk Assessment

Risks are an inevitable part of business. From financial risks, such as investments, to new market competitors, unwelcome threats permeate the business world and can pop up at any time. As a manager, it’s your job to properly equip your enterprise with risk management strategies so that you can be ready to meet those risks head-on and fight them off with minimal setbacks to your business operations.


A risk is defined as an uncertainty that is affiliated with a particular circumstance that could render a business inoperable or cause financial insecurities for the company, according to BNET. Therefore, a business risk assessment is the process of determining whether a particular uncertain circumstance has the potential to threaten your business operations.


Risks come in many forms, and it’s important to know the different types of risks that are out there so you can properly assess the ones that are applicable to your business. Creating a list of identified threats can help you organize your risk assessment. If you are assessing your business’s internal environment, consider financial, marketing, operational, strategic and work force risks. External business environments include risks, such as the changing economy, new market competitors and natural disasters. Some threats are not as easily noticeable, so performing the identification process as a team can help to make sure nothing gets overlooked.


According to PCMAG.com, a website that provides information on technology, a risk assessment exhibits a business’ vulnerabilities, the strategies and costs that the business will need to recover from damages and losses, and explains what actions the business will take to defend the enterprise so risks can be avoided or minimized. Risk assessments may also contain useful features, such as risk scoring systems.


Risk assessments are preventive strategic tools that can help businesses stay on top of adverse situations. They are designed to inform companies about the actions that need to be taken to plan for, and respond to, risks. It is best to develop risk assessments at the inception of a new business so that the company can be as prepared as possible from the get go.

Risk scoring systems help businesses identify mild or moderate risks from severe ones by developing a process to weigh the severity of the risk. Risk scoring systems may be based on financial damage that a risk has the potential to cause, or how likely it is for the business to recover after exposure to a risk.


As a manager you can never be too prepared to protect your company from threats. It’s expensive when businesses are hit by risks, and recovery time could be draining on the corporate checkbook. Business risk assessments can help companies build up their defenses, as well as help them recover quicker from unwelcome incidents.

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